HS Sprenger HO Weymouth Bit 14mm 125 mm 5 Inch




This unique Weymouth with its slanting mouthpiece and a smooth, rounded port is angled forwards and has fine distribution of pressure on the tongue. The bit takes advantage of the exceptional sensitivity of the tongue ensuring precise rein aids. Suitable for horses that dislike tongue pressure. Brilliant for introducing a horse gently to a Weymouth bit. The slanting mouthpiece encourages the harmony between the rider’s Hand and the horse’s mouth providing a relaxed and secure contact to the Weymouth. The bit is optionally made of Aurigan-88 (activates the chewing activity of your horse) or NEW Sensogan-78 (the innovative materialmix with reduced copper content and with manganese and zinc for a very positive influence on the horse’s satisfaction, motivation and willingness to perform). Thickness: 14mm. With stainless steel cheeks. Available in the sizes 12.5cm(5″), 13.5cm(5.1/4″), 14.5cm(5.3/4″). With 5cm lower cheeks (Sprenger item no. 42173) or with 7cm lower cheeks (Sprenger item no. 42273). Incl. KD-curb chain. Text by CALEVO.

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